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Mark my words.

Writer's pictureMark Jones

Your VIP ticket to our launch event

Updated: Feb 28, 2020

It's been 3 days and 3 years in the making, and I'm about to launch my first book into the wild. Beliefonomics: Realise the True Value of Your Brand Story was conceived on a plane three years ago, written in three inspired days at a retreat in Gloucester, and this past year has taken me on a rollercoaster of despair and exhilaration at the prospect of sharing it with you.

We're launching on World Storytelling Day, 20 March 2020 at a live VIP event in Sydney, including a book signing, obviously!, and StorySLAM performance artists to make you laugh, cry and wonder at the impact of hearts and minds storytelling.

Anyone who pre-orders the book from today until 10 March will be in the first-callout offer for any remaining available spaces at the exclusive event -- it could be YOU!

Regardless, your support with pre-orders on the book would mean so very much to me. I'll personally sign and number your copy as one of the first sold in the world!

Please head to BUY THE BOOK, and consider sharing the fact you've bought it with others on Facebook or LinkedIn to help spread the word!


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