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Mark my words.

Writer's pictureMark Jones

What is brand storytelling?

Brand storytelling is the use of authentic, emotion-driven storytelling to change customer belief systems and drive organisational growth.


Effective brand storytelling avoids simply pushing a brand's message. Instead, it involves crafting narratives that resonate with customers' existing beliefs and aspirations in order to build trust and encourage engagement that translates into tangible business growth.


The picture illustrates the idea of information, ideas and inspiration flowing out from a book containing many stories.
Brand storytelling uses authentic, emotion-driven stories to drive growth

Here are some key principles of brand storytelling as discussed in Beliefonomics:


  1. Customers are more receptive to brands they believe share their values

This requires a deep understanding of a target audience's psychographics (values, beliefs, lifestyles) rather than just their demographics (age, gender, location). This concept is explored in the book through the Belief Journey, which outlines the different stages customers may occupy in relation to a particular belief and highlights the importance of crafting stories that resonate with their current stage.


  1. Authenticity and vulnerability are essential for building trust

The source suggests that many brands hesitate to embrace their full history, especially the challenging parts. However, acknowledging struggles and demonstrating how the brand overcame them makes the story more relatable and believable. This can be seen in the emphasis on the Brand Journey, which encourages companies to examine each stage of their development, including the Trials Story and the Truth Story, to uncover compelling narratives.


  1. Focusing on one channel at a time can increase effectiveness

While the source advocates for an integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy that utilizes multiple channels, it advises brands to refine their approach within one channel before expanding. This concept is reflected in the Channel Journey, which encourages brands to identify the most effective media format for their target audience and message.


  1. "Belief Moments" are stories that engage both hearts and minds

These moments combine emotional resonance with factual information to create a lasting impression that influences behaviour. Effective brand storytelling aims to cultivate these Belief Moments to move customers along the Belief Journey towards a more positive perception of the brand and its offerings.


One real-world example from the book to illustrate:


Nike - Just Do It

This iconic and enduring campaign remains an incredibly powerful example of a brand aligning its messaging with the aspirations of its target audience. Nike's brand story centres on the belief that everyone possesses the potential for greatness, regardless of athletic ability, and it effectively communicates this message through emotionally charged storytelling and imagery.


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