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Mark my words.

Writer's pictureMark Jones

How the Brand Journey creates compelling customer narratives and drives growth

The Brand Journey is a central element of the Beliefonomics Brand Storytelling Framework, provides a framework for understanding the different stages an organisation's story can go through.


It prompts businesses to view their brand's evolution not as a static entity but as a dynamic narrative with distinct chapters, each offering opportunities for connecting with customer beliefs and ultimately achieving growth. 

Six primary stages

The Brand Journey consists of six stages: Origin, Vision, Trials, Truth, Growth, and Destiny. While often presented linearly, customer progression through these stages can be messy and non-linear, reflecting the unpredictable realities of business.


Identifying the current stage

The framework encourages businesses to honestly assess their current position within the Brand Journey. This involves asking questions like:

  • Where did our organisation begin?

  • What challenges have we faced?

  • What pivotal decisions have shaped our path?

  • By accurately identifying their current stage, businesses can determine the most relevant and impactful stories to tell.


Strategic storytelling

Each stage of the Brand Journey offers unique storytelling opportunities. For example, a start-up might focus on its Origin Story to convey its passion and purpose, while a more established organisation might highlight its Trials Story to demonstrate resilience and build empathy with customers who have faced similar challenges. 

The Brand Journey isn't just about self-promotion; it's about strategically aligning the organisation's narrative with the belief systems of its target audience. By understanding the customer's Belief Journey, businesses can choose to emphasise aspects of their own story that resonate most strongly with those beliefs.


By examining each stage of the Brand Journey, organisations often uncover previously overlooked or under-utilised stories. These "hidden gems" can provide fresh perspectives, differentiate the brand, and resonate more authentically with customers who are increasingly seeking genuine connections.


A detailed explanation of each Brand Journey stage

Origin Story

Every brand has a beginning, a moment when its foundational ideas took shape. This stage focuses on the genesis of the organisation, its founders, and the initial spark that ignited its journey. Each Origin Story is inherently unique and therefore highly defensible, offering a powerful way to differentiate a brand and connect with audiences who admire innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.


Vision Story

This stage of an organisation’s growth explores the aspirations that propelled it forward in its early days. What did the founders envision for the future? What impact did they hope to make? Avoid revising history through a contemporary lens and instead look to to authentically capture the initial hopes and dreams that fuelled early endeavours.


Trials Story

No journey is without its challenges, and this stage confronts those difficult moments head-on. Businesses often shy away from sharing their struggles, but argue that these stories can be incredibly powerful for building empathy and trust with customers who have likely faced their own setbacks. By transparently addressing past trials, organisations can demonstrate resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to overcoming adversity.


Truth Story

This pivotal stage represents a defining moment in the organisation's narrative – a crossroads where a critical decision was made, forever altering its course. Consider the analogy of a "fork in the road" moment. What pivotal choice faced the organisation and how did it shaping the organisation's identity?


Growth Story

This stage celebrates the positive outcomes of the brand's efforts, showcasing its achievements and progress. It's about conveying a sense of momentum and inviting customers to join a thriving community. There’s an inherent appeal in all growth narratives but be careful about relying on big claims. Businesses should instead focus on the tangible benefits and value they provide customers.


Destiny Story

The culmination of the Brand Journey, this stage reflects the organisation's ultimate purpose and its lasting impact on the world. It's about articulating a larger vision, one that transcends mere profit and demonstrates a commitment to a greater good. The sources highlight the importance of authenticity and action in this stage, emphasising that a compelling Destiny Story must be backed by tangible efforts to make a positive difference.


Taking action

By strategically exploring and leveraging each stage of the Brand Journey, organisations can create a compelling and multifaceted narrative that resonates with customer beliefs, fosters deeper connections, and ultimately contributes to sustainable growth.

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